Minister Haggie Provides Update Mental Health Project Teams and Recovery Council

July 31, 2017

Following the release of the Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan in June, leaders for seven project teams have been selected and are now in place. The teams will comprise people and families with lived experience, policy makers, clinicians, regional health authority staff, and representatives from the community and government and will be responsible to action the goals of the plan.

The project team leaders are:

  • Michelle Healey, Promotion/Prevention Team
  • Kim Grant, Wait Times Reduction Team
  • Niki Legge, Inclusion Team
  • Heather Yetman, Health in Correctional Settings Team
  • Brad Clarke, Health in Schools Team
  • Colleen Simms, Service Redesign Team
  • Monica Bull, Provincial Services Team

Biographical information is provided in the backgrounder below. A leader for the eighth project team, Indigenous Health, has not yet been selected and will be determined in consultation with Indigenous groups.

For members of the project teams, an Expression of Interest was issued to find people interested in participating and more than 250 applications were received. The selection process is now underway and teams will be in place early this fall.

A Terms of Reference is being finalized for the new Recovery Council. This council, in partnership with the Provincial Mental Health and Addictions Advisory Council, will provide guidance on progress in supporting patients and clients through the recovery process. The Recovery Council will consist of people with lived experience and family members.

The Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan is one of more than 50 initiatives in the The Way Forward: A Visions for Sustainability and Growth in Newfoundland and Labrador. It is the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s plan for transforming mental health and addictions care in the province. The first progress report will be provided in December 2017.

“I thank those who will serve as the project team leaders. As well, with more than 250 applications, we are very encouraged by the response from those interested in filling out these project teams. The teams, along with the Recovery Council and the Provincial Mental Health and Addictions Advisory Council, will steer the design of our Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan, helping to transform the overall system.”
Honourable John Haggie
Minister of Health and Community Services

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Learn More
The Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan: The Way Forward – Towards Recovery: The Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan for Newfoundland and Labrador

Government Releases Action Plan to Transform Mental Health and Addictions Care:

Media contact
Emily Timmins
Health and Community Services
709-729-6986, 693-1292


Colleen Simms is the Provincial Director of Mental Health and Addictions, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. She has held various administrative positions which included oversight of regional mental health and addictions services in hospitals and community settings and policy positions with provincial oversight.

Heather Yetman is the Manager of Institution Programs, adult custody branch, Department of Justice and Public Safety. Ms. Yetman has fulfilled various positions in her 30 plus year career in corrections, including roles in counselling and intervention.

Brad Clarke has worked with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development for 17 years. He is currently serving as the Director of Program Development, responsible for K-12 curriculum, learning resources and teacher professional learning (English and French).

Monica Bull has worked in the field of mental health and addictions for over 20 years including various clinical roles in both Newfoundland and Labrador and Ontario. For the past 11 years, Ms. Bull has worked as a policy and program development specialist with the Department of Health and Community Services.

Kim Grant is the Regional Director of the Mental Health and Addictions Program of Eastern Health. In her current role with Eastern Health, Ms. Grant is responsible for providing direction to a range of community-based mental health and addictions services within the region.

Michelle Healey is Director of the Healthy ‎Living, Sport and Recreation Division with the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development. She has spent the last 18 years working in areas and roles related to healthy active living.

Niki Legge has worked in the field of mental health and addictions for more than 15 years in various clinical and community development roles. Ms. Legge holds a Master’s Degree in Social Work and for the last seven years, she has worked as a policy and program development specialist with the Department of Health and Community Services.


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