Mental health indicators improve from pandemic lows, but depression and anxiety symptoms remain – CTV

Dec. 20, 2023

Three years into the COVID-19 pandemic, new national data show that while some mental health impacts have begun to subside, some groups face disproportionate challenges, with more than one in three young adults, Indigenous and LGBTQ2S+ people experiencing symptoms of a mental disorder in 2023.

Published last week, the third cycle of the Statistics Canada (StatCan) and the Public Health Agency of Canada’s (PHAC’s) Survey on COVID-19 and Mental Health found that key quality-of-life indicators have rebounded from their 2021 lows, including self-perceptions of mental health as well as feelings of personal belonging and satisfaction with life.

Fifty-seven per cent of Canadian adults not living in the territories, on a reserve or in an institution reported their mental health was very good or excellent, up from 52 per cent in early 2021 and approaching the 60-per-cent high recorded in late 2020.

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