Press Release
(Kahnawake – 24, Onerahtókha/April 2024) The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) would like to congratulate the Kateri Memorial Hospital Centre (KMHC), as today marks the 40th anniversary of the historical signing of the 1984 Hospital Agreement between Kahnawà:ke and Quebec, that resulted in the construction of the KMHC as it stands today.
At the time of the agreement, the healthcare system had recently transitioned from Federal to Provincial Jurisdiction, and negotiations required the creation of a negotiation table with Quebec, which did not exist at the time.
“This is indeed a milestone to commemorate and celebrate, as we know the KMHC has been both a necessity, and a leader, in providing community-based healthcare services to Kahnawa’kehró:non. We would like to acknowledge the hard work and progress that was made by the Council at that time, especially Myrtle Bush, Franklin Williams, and Donald Horne, who were the negotiators on this file,” said Ohén:ton Í:iente ne Ratitsénhaienhs Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer. “They forged a new relationship with the Provincial government that we maintain to this day. I also want to say nia:wen to all of the men and women who have worked there over the years and took care of our People.”
“The signing of the Hospital Agreement was essential to meet the needs of our growing community at that time. To this day the KMHC Staff, Management, and Board remain committed to that goal,” said Health Portfolio Lead Iohahí:io Delisle. “Nia:wen to all those who have brought us to this stage, and who continue to carry us forward.”
Media Inquiries:
Lisa Lahache Political
Press Attaché
450- 632-7500 ext. 63251