Mayor declares a state of emergency in Billings Township – Manitoulin Expositor

April 24, 2020

KAGAWONG – Billings Township is the first municipality on Manitoulin Island to declare a state of emergency in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“As part of my role as mayor (of Billings) I have paid a lot of attention to the pandemic in the province, country and the world. There doesn’t seem to a lot of reason for optimism,” stated Billings mayor Ian Anderson at a council meeting Monday. “There are currently 11,184 cases of COVID-19 in Ontario while last week this number was 7,593, so the steep curve has not been flattened so far.” He pointed to the province of Quebec and the US as being places where the numbers are even higher.

“A lot of communities in the province have already declared a state of emergency, although I don’t believe any on Manitoulin have as yet,” said Mayor Anderson. He pointed out municipalities like Sudbury, Timmins and Elliot Lake have declared states of emergency.

“I’m looking for input and comments from council,” said Mayor Anderson. “The decision to declare a state of emergency is up to a reeve or mayor but it is important that we all have input.”

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