May is Speech and Hearing Month: Reflecting on what communication means to you – FNHA

May 08, 2024

May is Speech and Hearing Month. It’s an opportunity for everyone to reflect on the importance of speech and hearing in our communications with each other. It’s also an opport​unity for us to give you information about how the First Nations Health Authority’s (FNHA) Health Benefits program can help you if you are a First Nations person living in BC.​

This year’s theme for Speech and Hearing Month is “Communication is…”  Each of us will have a different reason and way to finish the sentence. For example: Communication is… about connecting with each other. Communication is… sharing a moment. Communication is… learning from others or transmitting knowledge to others.” Communication is… letting someone know you love them.

Whatever communication means to you, there’s no question it’s an important part of our daily lives. Imagine how your ability to communicate and connect with others would be impacted if something took away your ability to speak or hear. ​​

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