Masks mandatory in all Nunavut health facilities

Press Release

17 October 2023

Effective immediately, the Department of Health is advising Nunavummiut that masks are now mandatory in all Nunavut health facilities, including the Elders’ facilities and the Akausisarvik facility in Iqaluit.

Increasing numbers of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses have been detected in Nunavut. The Department of Health is taking the necessary steps to reduce the risk of transmission of respiratory illness in our facilities and protect our more vulnerable populations.

Masks are a proven tool to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses. They also act as an added layer of protection for those at higher risk of severe disease or outcomes from COVID-19 infection.

Clients, visitors, and staff entering health facilities will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 upon arrival. We urge everyone to do their part to help keep our facilities safe by answering questions honestly and respectfully.


Media Contact:

Pierre Essoh
Communications Specialist
Department of Health


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