Manitoba Government Consulting Interlake Families on Eriksdale Emergency Room Project Designs

Press Release

January 30, 2025

The Manitoba government is welcoming Interlake residents to weigh in on the design and development of the new Eriksdale emergency room at a project open house on March 6 at the Eriksdale Recreation Centre, Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care Minister Uzoma Asagwara announced today.

“Community advocacy has always been at the heart of this project and it will be critical for us to maintain that heart by bringing community members into the design process,” said Asagwara. “Our government has been working closely with our partners in the Interlake to see this project through. This is an amazing opportunity for Interlake residents to help shape the future of health care in their region.”

Interlake community members will have multiple opportunities to contribute to the design of the emergency room including an online survey accessible at The Manitoba government encourages any and all Interlake residents to complete the survey and attend the project open house, noted the minister.

“Nations and communities served by Interlake-Eastern Health in the Eriksdale area are valued partners,” said Marion Ellis, CEO, Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority. “The renovation project is an opportunity to work together to improve the emergency department.”

“From my position as Eriksdale and District Chamber of Commerce president, we welcome the consultation process with community involvement and the realization of this vital ER department to the residents of the RMs of West Interlake, Coldwell, St. Laurent and Lake Manitoba First Nation,” said Keith Lundale, president, Eriksdale Chamber of Commerce and longtime local health-care advocate.

Multiple consultation meetings are occurring throughout the month of February and in early March. The project team will meet with frontline staff and physicians, elected First Nation and municipal leaders, First Nation and tribal council health directors, the local My Health Team and many more partners, noted the minister.

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  • Public information, contact Manitoba Government Inquiry: or 1-866-626-4862 or 204-945-3744.
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