Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government Declares State of Emergency

Press Release

April 6, 2020 – Chief and Council of the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government have declared a State of Emergency due to the coronavirus global pandemic (COVID-19). This is a preventative measure our government has activated to enhance our response effort to prevent, reduce and mitigate the spread of the virus to our residents.

Effective immediately, the State of Emergency is in effect for a period of 14 days (April 6, 2020 until April 20, 2020), at which point Chief and Council will decide whether additional measures are required. This decision was made to protect all community members, especially our most vulnerable: elders, children, and residents with underlying health conditions.

Chief and Council remain committed to the health and safety of our residents. To date, there are no presumed or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Listuguj. This demonstrates that our strategy thus far has been successful. These additional measures come as a result of the new reality that confirmed cases of COVID-19 exist in surrounding areas.

As a result we will be implementing the following within the next couple of days:

  • Security checkpoints will be established at the bridge intersection and the intersection at the Highway 132 and Riverside West;
  • Entry points at Dundee and Caplin Road will be temporarily closed; and
  • Non-essential travelers will be denied access to the community until further notice.


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