Leaders in Indigenous Medical Education (LIME)

Dear All

We are pleased to advise that the new LIME Network Website has recently been made live. Please take a look, become a member, leave us feedback and forward the site to interested colleagues.

We would also like to note that the Call for Papers is now open for the LIME Connection III. The Connection is to be held in Melbourne on the 3rd and 4th of December 2009, with a pre-conference Indigenous Caucus at the Institute of Koorie Education in Geelong on the 2nd December.This year’s conference will focus on ‘Advancing Indigenous Health: Workforce Innovations’. Specifically, the Conference will address leading practice approaches to integrating Indigenous health into medical education and workplace training. In addition, the Connection will provide an opportunity to discuss and challenge some current practices and discuss emerging tools and techniques to drive continuous improvement in outcomes for Indigenous health. Please find attached the conference flyer and for further details visit our website at www.limenetwork.net.au.

Call for Papers Close: August 28, 2009
Early Bird and Speaker Registration Close: October 2, 2009
Nominations for LIMElight Awards Close: October 23, 2009

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