Lack of applicants for medical lab sciences program a concern, says Manitoba regulator – CBC

Only 32 applicants for 40 spots in RRC Polytech program

Apr 18, 2024

The head of the regulatory body for medical lab technologists in Manitoba says he’s concerned about a post-secondary program that has more available seats than applications.

Red River College Polytechnic has only 32 applicants for 40 available spots in the next intake for its medical laboratory sciences program, according to the college.

Adam Chrobak, the registrar and CEO of the College of Medical Lab Technologists of Manitoba, says that’s a concern.

“We need absolutely every single graduate that comes out of the Red River program to enter the profession to meet the critical shortages,” he said.

It’s hard to tell why people aren’t applying for these programs, Chrobak said, but he thinks many people don’t know or understand what a medical lab technologist does.

“They work in the lab, they generally look at all of the samples that are coming in, and the reports they issue are critical in health-care providers making decisions on treatment plans and next steps in someone’s health-care journey,” he said.

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