Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation declared state of emergency over COVID-19 outbreak – CBC

More nurses, testing kits sent to community, which had 65 confirmed positive COVID-19 as of Wednesday

Apr 21, 2022

A fly-in First Nation community in northwestern Ontario has declared a state of emergency as it struggles with a COVID-19 outbreak.

Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation made the emergency declaration on Tuesday night; at the time, there were 65 confirmed, active cases of the virus in the community, Chief Donny Morris said.

Morris said he has tested positive for the virus, as have other members of council. Some members of band administration, as well as nursing staff and police officers, are also among those with COVID-19.

“Right now we’re telling everyone to stay home,” Morris said, adding the community is currently under a lockdown. “The nurse’s station is closed, band office is closed, stores are closed.”

“We’re just trying to regroup with outside help coming in to assist the community.”

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