KAHNAWAKE, QC and ONERAHTOHKO:WA, QC, May 7 – Kahnawake and Quebec officials will meet in Kahnawake tomorrow to sign an agreement for the financing of the Kateri Memorial Hospital Centre’s (KMHC) $19M Expansion and Renovation Project. The historic signing ceremony will take place on:
Friday, May 8, 2009
KMHC Cafeteria
2:30 pm”The signing of this agreement is the next step towards the realization of the long-awaited project for the community of Kahnawake,” said Susan Horne, KMHC Executive Director. “This document is based on principles of mutual respect and partnership,” said Franklin Williams, KMHC Board Chairman, “that will ensure that Kateri is in a position to meet the current demand and expand future health services to meet the evolving needs of the community.”
Grand Chief Michael Delisle Jr. will sign the agreement on behalf of the Mohawks of Kahnawake. Quebec’s Minister of Health Mr. Yves Bolduc and Mr. Pierre Corbeil, Minister Responsible for Aboriginal Affairs will sign on Quebec’s behalf.
In order to protect our elders and residents in the KMHC Inpatient department from unnecessary exposure and given the present concern with the influenza virus, this ceremony is by invitation only.
For further information: Please contact: Susan Horne, Executive Director, Kateri Memorial Hospital Centre, (450) 638-3930 Ext. 202; Franklin Williams, KMHC Board Chairman, Kateri Memorial Hospital Centre, (450) 632-6880