ITK: Request for Proposals (RFP): Evaluation of Contribution Agreement between ITK and the First Nations Inuit Health Branch

July 2019

Submission Deadline: August 16, 2019

I. Organizational Background

Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) is a federally incorporated registered charitable organization representing and promoting the interests of over 65,000 Inuit in Canada on a wide variety of environmental, social, cultural, and political issues and challenges on the national level. ITK works on behalf of Inuit who live primarily in the four regions of Inuit Nunangat, the Inuit Homeland: Inuvialuit Settlement Region (Northwest Territories), Nunavut, Nunavik (northern Québec), and Nunatsiavut (northern Labrador), as well as Inuit located in urban centres such as Ottawa, Montreal and Edmonton.

ITK represents the rights and interests of Inuit at the national level through a democratic governance structure that represents all Inuit regions. ITK advocates for policies, programs and services that impact the health, social, cultural, political and environmental issues facing Inuit today.

ITK is governed by a Board of Directors that is composed of the following members:

  • President, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC)
  • President, Makivik Corporation
  • President, Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI)
  • President, Nunatsiavut Government

In addition to voting members, the following non-voting Permanent Participant Representatives also sit on the Board:

  • President, Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) Canada
  • President, Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada
  • President, National Inuit Youth Council

II. ITK’s Contribution Agreement with the First Nations Inuit Health Branch

In fiscal year 2014-15, ITK signed a five year Contribution Agreement (CA) with the First Nations Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) of Health Canada. The CA provided core funding for ITK’s work in relation to health and social development. During the five year period, the CA underwent 19 amendments given changes to the scope of work to be undertaken. This five year period also had several other significant changes, including:

  • a change in the elected federal government;
  • the creation of a new federal government department – Indigenous Services Canada;
  • transition of FNIHB from Health Canada to Indigenous Services Canada;
  • significant turnover in health and social development at ITK, particularly in years 2-4 of the CA;
  • creation of the Inuit-Crown Partnership Committee, a joint permanent bilateral mechanism between Inuit and the Government of Canada, and;
  • significant increase in federal Inuit-specific investments across multiple health and social development files, particularly in budgets 2016-19.

III. Scope of Work Requirements

In partnership with ITK, the successful applicant will be required to undertake the following work:

  • Review documents associated with the five year FNIHB contribution agreement, including the contribution agreement itself, annual reports, an initial evaluation plan developed in September 2014, an Inuit Health Approach, the National Inuit Committee on Health Strategic Framework, various file-specific reports and documents ITK produced during the five year period, and the Inuit Health Partnership Committee Draft Terms of Reference;
  • Based on the document review and conversations with key ITK health and social development staff, develop and implement an evaluation plan for the five year period that builds off the initial September 2014 plan, and;
  • Write an evaluation report for the 2014-19 FNIHB contribution agreement by October 11, 2019 that highlights major activities, findings and outcomes and provides recommendations for future work in partnership with FNIHB.

IV. Summary of Request for Proposals

Through this RFP, we are seeking experienced evaluation specialists who can provide a high quality evaluation of the 2014-19 FNIHB contribution with ITK. We will assess proposals based on the following criteria (please include in your proposal):

  • Qualifications of the applicant, including past experience, interest and a proven track record developing and implementing evaluations for complex, large scale projects;
  • Project description, outlining a sound, comprehensive approach that covers all tasks outlined in section III (Scope of Work Requirements);Achievable milestones, including short windows built into the proposal for review by ITK at key points during the process;
  • Budget and budget justification that fit with the project description and milestones, and;
  • Experience working in partnership with Inuit organizations.

We anticipate that the work required for this project will start in late August 2019 and are requesting that a final evaluation report be provided by October 11, 2019. The ability to produce high quality work within a compressed timeline is important.

Budget: Up to $35,000 maximum for completion of the tasks outlined above. Value for money will be a key consideration in assessing the proposals.

Submission Deadline: August 16, 2019

If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact:

Tom Sheldon, Director, Policy Advancement
613.238.8181 x.251


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