Is it safe to eat eggs, dairy during the latest bird flu outbreak? – CTV

April 9, 2024

In the weeks after multiple U.S. agencies issued a joint news release(opens in a new tab) about cases of H5N1 spreading among dairy cattle throughout the country, two U.S. states on the border with Canada now have confirmed cases: Idaho and Michigan.

The rapid spread of avian influenza, also known as avian flu or bird flu, among U.S. dairy cattle led to at least one person(opens in a new tab) being diagnosed with the virus, a reminder that it can be transmitted between species.

And it has prompted some states to issue reminders for safe cooking methods and warning against preparing eggs(opens in a new tab) in any style where the yolks are runny.

With warnings like this from officials south of the border, Canadians may be wondering whether it’s safe for them to consume eggs, poultry and meat.

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