IPHRC Student Awards
Announcing IPHRC and SCPOR Research Awards Program
The Indigenous Peoples’ Health Research Centre (IPHRC) and Saskatchewan Centre for Patient Oriented Research (SCPOR) under the direction of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) are excited announce our research awards program, which will fund graduate and post-graduate trainees facilitating community-based, patient-oriented research addressing Indigenous health and wellness in Saskatchewan. Funding will begin in January 2018.
Up to $400, 000 dollars will be awarded to successful applicants.
o The stipends available are as follows:
- Master’s Award – $20,000 stipend/year (1 year)
- PhD Award – $30,000 stipend/year (maximum of 3 years)
- Post-Doctorate – $70,000 stipend/year (1 year with a possibility of extension)
o Eligibility Requirements:
- IPHRC gives preference to students attending Saskatchewan universities but will consider students attending university out-of-province if their research is specific to Indigenous communities in Saskatchewan.
- The graduate program may be in any health-related discipline; however, the emphasis will be on health research rather than medical research, and a community-based, patient-oriented approach will be fostered and emphasized.
- Indigenous applicants are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students.
- Applications from non-Indigenous applicants will be considered if their research interests coincide with the mandate of IPHRC and SCPOR.
- Master’s and PhD recipients must be enrolled in full-time studies while holding the award, which will commence January 2018.
- Applicants cannot hold a Tri-Agency (NSERC, SSHRC, or CIHR) award and an IPHRC/SCPOR award at the same time.
Evaluation of applications will consider: a) proposed research project, b) research training, resources, and support, c) academic achievement (GPA, scholarships and awards, etc.), d) letters of reference, and e) relevant lived experience (personal experience, experience with family and friends, and within communities).
To apply for the research awards program please see attached call letter and contact Amanda.Crowe@uregina.ca for the application form.
Application Deadline: November 17th at midnight.