24 August 2012, 11:51 am ADT
The Inuit Community of Makkovik has issued a Boil Water Advisory until further notice. The boil water advisory has been issued for the following reason(s):
Total coliforms detected and confirmed in water samples collected on August 20, 2012
Consumers are advised to bring water that you might ingest to a rigorous rolling boil for one (1) minute.
For example, boil water used for:
► drinking ► cooking
► brushing teeth ► washing fruits & vegetables
► making ice ► coffee/tea & other hot drinks
► making juice and other juice from concentrate and powders
► making infant formula & cereal
For further information about the Boil Water Advisory, please call
Makkovik Inuit Community Government
Note: If using a home water treatment unit (e.g. filter) please read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.