Indigenous Food-Related Wellness Advisory

Press Release

April 10th, 2024

Indigenous Food-Related Wellness Advisory

The Distictions-based Food Wellness Tools project is a collaboration between the Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity, & Recreation Council (I·SPARC), Health Canada, the BC Ministry of Health, and Sa̱nala Planning. This program seeks to connect with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples across British Columbia to explore what food wellness tools would be most effective in supporting their families and communities, considering the geographic, linguistic, and cultural diversity of the territories.

Funding has been provided to initiate a multi-year province-wide engagement process which began in Spring 2022 and has an expected completion date of March 2026. To direct this work, Sa̱nala has convened the Indigenous Food-related Wellness Advisory (IFWA) to provide guidance for the duration of the project.

The tool that has been selected is an Indigenous Food Wellness Resource Hub! If you would like to stay informed about upcoming engagements on this project please email

Interested in joining the Indigenous Food-Related Wellness Advisory?

Sa̱nala are currently accepting applications for a few more members. In particular, they are looking for youth and Elders from BC First Nations. Click here to view the Terms of Reference for the group. To apply, please send a resume and cover letter to by April 30th, 2024.

For more information and resources, please visit I·SPARC’s Food Systems Program.


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