Find out how the Government of Canada works with First Nations to improve water and wastewater systems on reserve.
Budget 2016 is investing, through Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), starting in 2016-2017:
Drinking water advisories: First Nations south of 60
Learn about the different types of drinking water advisories and search for regional updates.
Steps for resolving drinking water issues
The three steps to follow to resolve drinking water advisories.
Eliminating drinking water advisories
Learn about progress in eliminating drinking water advisories on reserve.
Learn how the responsibility for providing water on reserve is shared between First Nations and the Government of Canada.
Training water system operators
Find out how First Nation community operators get trained through the Circuit Rider Training Program.
Standards and guidelines for water systems
Learn how the Government of Canada works with First Nations to develop standards, protocols and guidelines.
First Nation community infrastructure
Find out more about other infrastructure support on reserve.