WINDSOR—Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre (SOAHAC) in Windsor, Ont., celebrated with a Grand Opening Ceremony on Monday March 4.
SOAHAC opened its doors to the community, similar organizations, and supporters at the newly expanded site on Tecumseh Road West. The celebrations began with ceremony that included a prayer/song by the Women’s Drum Group: Wanda Buffalo, Lacey George and Theresa Johnson.
The official ribbon cutting was done by dignitaries and SOAHAC staff including Shannon Marchand, Chief Financial Officer of SOAHAC’s Administration Office in Munsee Delaware Nation; Jim Morrison, Windsor Ward 10 Councillor; Brian Masse, Windsor West MP; Ralph Ganter, Chief Executive Officer of Erie St. Clair Local Integrated Health Network Services; and Dr. Chintan Shah, Staff Physician at SOAHAC Windsor.
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