Here’s what N.L. doctors think could patch up the province’s ailing health-care system – CBC

Team-based care and a salaried payment model could solve N.L.’s woes, doctors say

Oct 04, 2022

Dr. Desmond Whalen’s emergency room in Grand Falls-Windsor is full to bursting these days.

The doctor says it’s a problem of access points. People don’t have family physicians and don’t live close to a walk-in clinic, so they’re showing up to the ER for all manner of ailments.

He’s one of a growing chorus of doctors supporting a new health-care model — one they say will keep those emergency rooms running smoothly.

Whalen points to a shortage of health-care workers in Newfoundland and Labrador underpinning long wait times and emergency room closures. That won’t be fixed overnight, but Whalen says moving toward a collaborative-care model could ease pressure on the system.

Working in teams, he says, will ease burnout and relieve some of the burden on doctors.

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