Health Regions Making $100 Million in Infrastructure Improvements

News Release – November 24, 2008

Saskatchewan health regions are proceeding with their most pressing infrastructure repairs and safety upgrades, thanks to the government’s $1 billion Ready for Growth initiative.

Critically important structural repairs and facility upgrades such as new roofs, facility cooling systems and fire alarms are among the projects that have either begun or are planned to proceed this year. The 2008-09 budget earmarked $100 million for health region infrastructure.”Replacing outdated safety systems and making basic building repairs are incredibly important to ensure the safety and comfort of patients and health providers,” Health Minister Don McMorris said at a news conference in Saskatoon’s St. Paul’s Hospital. “The government must protect our multi-billion dollar investment in our 236 publicly-funded health facilities. This year’s funding partly addresses the significant backlog of maintenance, repairs and safety systems.”

Each of Saskatchewan’s 12 health regions is receiving the increased funding as their annual block funding for capital infrastructure. Each health region determines the most urgent priorities for maintaining and improving their facilities.

Most of the improvements replace outdated or worn out structural elements or safety features. Some examples are nurse call systems, emergency generators, windows and chillers.


For more information, contact:

Karen Hill
Phone: 306-787-4083

Related Documents
$100 Million Infrastructure Fact Sheet.pdf (7.7 KB)

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