Hats and handwarmers: Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation group assists Edmonton’s homeless – Edmonton Examiner

Jan 18, 2024

Houseless poor on Edmonton street corners and sheltering in alleyways in shocking temperatures were an eye-opener for Coun. Hazel Mercredi this week.

“What you see in pictures is so different than what you see with your own eyes, with boots on the ground,” said Mercredi as she returned from a mission on behalf of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation.

“I’m angry that minister Nixon said there are enough beds. That’s not true, from what I see,” she said.

“If it were an animal, Animal Control would be there, the dog would have food and donations to feed that dog a month, but not the homeless on the street.”

Read More: https://www.edmontonexaminer.com/news/local-news/hats-and-handwarmers-athabasca-chipewyan-first-nation-group-assists-edmontons-homeless

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