News Release
May 21, 2009
For immediate release
Highlights from Healthy Canadians – A Federal Report on Comparable Health Indicators 2008
OTTAWA – Healthy Canadians – A Federal Report on Comparable Health Indicators 2008 shows that most Canadians remain satisfied overall with health-care services.Health Canada today officially released the report, which builds on past reports by providing Canadians with improved and updated information on issues such as timely access to and quality of health care.
“Healthy Canadians is a measure of the health of our citizens and our health-care system,” said the Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of Health. “This report shows high Canadian satisfaction with health-care services and progress in a number of areas, including life expectancy and reduced smoking rates among teenagers.”
Highlights of the report include:
o Most Canadians remain satisfied overall with health care services.
o Life expectancy continues to improve for both Canadian women and men.
o Teenage smoking has dropped to 12 per cent, a six percentage point decrease among Canadians aged 12 to 19 since 2000.
o Fewer Canadians (61.1%) aged 12 years and older reported that their health was “excellent” or “very good,” compared to 62.5% in 2000-2001.
Health Canada is committed to increased accountability and better reporting to Canadians about the status of health care. The Department has more than doubled the number of indicators – measures reflecting the health of Canadians and the health system – in this report from 18 to 37 to provide Canadians with more relevant, useful and effective information. This information also allows the federal government to track changes over time, make international comparisons, and identify potential areas where improvements may be required.
Statistics Canada and the Canadian Institute for Health Information both provided important contributions to the production of this report.
Please visit Health Canada’s website to view the Healthy Canadians 2008 Report.
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Media Enquiries:
Health Canada
(613) 957-2983
Josée Bellemare
Office of the Honourable Leona Aglukkaq
Federal Minister of Health
(613) 957-0200
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