Government to track how many Yukoners are without physicians

December 20, 2012

Whitehorse—Yukon residents without a family physician are being asked to let the government know who they are. Health and Social Services Minister Doug Graham today announced the launch of a website to track the number of individuals without family physicians.

“We know that there are a large number of Yukoners without a family physician and that people are going to the emergency room for minor health issues because they don’t have a doctor, but we don’t have any hard data to support these claims,” Graham added. “We hope people will go to this website and tell us what their situation is.”

The initiative will help inform the recruitment and retention efforts currently being undertaken by government and will likely take several months to complete.

Individuals who do not have a family physician are encouraged to visit



Elaine Schiman
Cabinet Communications

Patricia Living
Communications, Health & Social Services


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