Government of Yukon wants your input on cannabis legalization

August 10, 2017

Yukoners are invited to participate in a public survey to identify their needs and values about the legalization of cannabis (marijuana), which will help inform the Government of Yukon as it creates new territorial legislation.

Cannabis will be legal across the country by July 2018. It’s now up to Yukon to make decisions about where and how it will be sold, where it can be consumed, and how to address impaired driving and workplace safety.

The survey can be completed online or by phone at 1-866-527-8266. A printed version is available at local territorial agent offices and at the Main Administration Building in Whitehorse. The survey is open until September 30. To learn more about cannabis legislation, visit our cannabis site.


“Yukoners’ views about the legalization of cannabis are needed. I encourage everyone to take the survey and provide us with their feedback, which will help inform the government about how our Yukon legislation should be developed.”

–Minister of Justice Tracy-Anne McPhee

“As our government creates new cannabis laws and regulations, our focus will be on public health and safety measures. It is important to gather Yukoners’ views and values about cannabis as we develop future health and prevention campaigns.”

–Minister of Health and Social Services Pauline Frost

Quick facts

  • As the Government of Yukon considers its options related to legal cannabis, its decisions will be guided by the following principles:
    • Provide for legal, controlled access to cannabis that displaces illegal and criminal activity.
    • Prioritize public health, safety and harm reduction, with a focus on protecting youth from negative health effects.
  • The Yukon government will also engage in consultation with stakeholders that include First Nations, municipal governments, the business community and non-governmental associations.

Learn more:

Participate in the survey
Cannabis legislation in Yukon


Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Nicole Benson
Communications, Justice

Michael Edwards
Communications, Health & Social Services


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