June 23, 2015 – Natashquan, QC – Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
The Honourable Bernard Valcourt, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, announced today that work to expand the drinking water reservoir, rebuild the pumping station and retrofit the wastewater treatment facility in the Innu community of Natashquan has been completed.
Our Government has invested $3.2 million to expand the drinking water reservoir in Natashquan. Its volume was increased by 430m³, nearly double the capacity of the previous reservoir. It now holds enough water to help meet the community’s needs, in terms of fire protection. The community will benefit from a water supply and wastewater treatment system that will not only help meet the needs of residents, but also improve their health and quality of life.
The additional amount of $5.4 million was granted to the community for the rehabilitation of the aerated lagoons, designed to treat wastewater. The annexed pumping station was completely rebuilt. The treatment facility was also retrofitted to facilitate the expulsion of wastewater.
Quick facts
“Our government is proud to invest in projects that improve the health and quality of life of First Nations. The rehabilitation of drinking water supply infrastructure and the elimination of wastewater will allow members of the Natashquan community to benefit from a the same high-quality service available to all Canadians.”
– Bernard Valcourt,
Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
“As Chief of Nutashkuan, and on behalf of the band council, we are extremely proud of the completion of these projects benefitting the wellness and safety of our members.”
– Rodrigue Wapistan,
Chief of the Natashquan Community
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Emily Hillstrom
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
Media Relations
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada