Improved infrastructure to benefit 23 homes for the BC First Nation
July 28, 2015 – Cowichan Tribes, BC – Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
The Honourable John Duncan, Member of Parliament for Vancouver Island North, was on hand today representing the Honourable Bernard Valcourt, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, to congratulate the Cowichan Tribes on the completion of water system upgrades that will enhance the quality and quantity of drinking water and provide more reliable fire protection for their band members.
In 2014, the Government of Canada invested $2.3 million to support the project, which included a connection to the City of Duncan’s water supply, the construction of a chlorination booster system and the installation of approximately 1,400 metres of water supply lines.
Between 2006 and 2014, the Government of Canada invested over $3 billion to support First Nation communities in managing their water and wastewater infrastructure. These expenditures are part of a comprehensive long-term plan to improve drinking water and wastewater systems on First Nation lands founded on four pillars: enhanced capacity building and operator training; enforceable standards and protocols; infrastructure investments; and, protection of public health.
Quick facts
“Our Government continues to take actions that improve the health and quality of life of First Nations. That’s why we made a key investment in the upgrade of the Cowichan First Nation’s water system that will benefit the community for years to come. This project is a clear demonstration on our commitment to continue working with our First Nations partners to create the conditions for stronger, healthier, more self-sufficient communities.”
John Duncan, Minister of State and Chief Government Whip and Member of Parliament for Vancouver Island North
“This has been an ongoing project for at least 35 years and it’s now complete. The completion of this project is a good step in bringing safe services to our community members.”
Chief William “Chip” Seymour, Cowichan Tribes
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Emily Hillstrom
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
Media Relations
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada