Government Invests in Community Projects to Help Prevent Domestic Violence

July 8, 2020

Eighteen community organizations and groups throughout Nova Scotia are receiving grants to help prevent domestic violence.

“Now, more than ever, we understand the need to work together to ensure a strong and resilient approach to the complex issue of domestic violence,” said Kelly Regan, Minister responsible for the Advisory Council on the Status of Women. “This next phase of projects will continue to build and share knowledge and strengthen the relationships needed to map the best path forward for Nova Scotia.”

The grants, totalling $945,700, are part of the work to develop Standing Together, a provincial plan to prevent domestic violence and support victims and their families. This is the second round of these grants.

The grants include projects addressing domestic violence in specific communities, including African Nova Scotian and Mi’kmaw communities. Other projects focus on engaging and developing supports for groups such as children and youth, men and boys, girls and young women, newcomers and criminalized women.

A full list of the projects receiving grants is available at .


Our project, Black vs Justice: Black Women Stand Up, will focus on the development of a video documentary which discusses domestic violence in African Nova Scotian communities. It will address how our history, childhood experiences, economic circumstances, racism and oppression contribute to the root causes of domestic violence. This documentary will be used as a knowledge transfer tool to educate the community at large about the impacts of violence on females from African Nova Scotian communities and preventative measures to address this issue. Satie Borden, Nova Scotia Association of Black Social Workers member

Reclaiming Our Roots looks forward to building on new and existing synergies with our partners, the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre and LOVE Nova Scotia, to use land-based learning as a tool for strengthening identity, healing and wellness in our communities. This support will allow us to establish more consistent programming for Indigenous youth, men and boys and families, through a restorative justice lens. Chenise Hache, Reclaiming Our Roots co-founder/program manager, Heartwood Centre for Community Youth Development

Promoting healthy relationships is an important part of the settlement process. Our latest program, Promoting Healthy Relationships with Immigrant Families, will provide opportunities and supports for domestic violence awareness and prevention within immigrant families to Nova Scotia and create a space where immigrants can reflect on and learn about Canadian family laws, healthy gender roles and relationships within families. Wenche Gausdal, director of programs, settlement, community integration and support services, Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia

Quick Facts:

  • the grants are part of a $9 million investment in Standing Together, government’s commitment to break the harmful cycles of domestic violence in homes, workplaces and communities
  • eleven of the 18 grant recipients received Standing Together Shift grants, which provide up to $75,000 to help organizations explore, develop, and test new ideas for preventing domestic violence and providing support to victims and their families
  • seven projects received Standing Together Connect grants, which provide up to $25,000 to bring people together to develop learning and teaching tools and ways to tell the story of how groups are working differently to prevent and disrupt cycles of violence

Additional Resources:

For more information on Standing Together, please visit

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Media Contact:

Glenn Friel
902-456-7416 Email:


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