Gogama mine good for Sudbury: Mayor – The Sudbury Star

July 22, 2020

An open pit gold mine near Gogama is a game changer that will benefit Sudbury and Northern Ontario, Mayor Brian Bigger says.

“A project of this magnitude, in our own backyard, combined with our world-class mining service and supply companies will see amazing local benefits to our local job market and economy,” Bigger said in a release.

“It will also boost our innovation and research and will only solidify Greater Sudbury’s standing as the go-to and leader in mining in the world.”

The mayor said he looks forward to working with Gordon Stothart, the miner’s CEO, and his team.

“I have offered my full support and the support of council and our city to see this project happen,” said Bigger.

Read More: https://www.thesudburystar.com/news/local-news/gogama-mine-good-for-sudbury-mayor

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