Funding for New Safety Prevention Resources

Press Release

June 05, 2024

An expanded IWK Health program will help keep more children safe from injury at home and on the road, with support from a provincial grant.

“Supporting safety resources for parents and families will help keep infants and young children safe during their developing years,” said Brian Comer, Minister of Addictions and Mental Health, on behalf of Allan MacMaster, Minister of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage. “We are proud to partner with the IWK on this incredible initiative, particularly now during Safe Kids Week.”

Child Safety Link, the child and youth injury prevention program at IWK Health, received funding to support agencies that work with young families, including family resource centres, newcomer agencies and First Nations health centres. It will support car seat and baby gate grants and improve access to poisoning prevention equipment, such as medication lock bags and cabinet locks.

Child Safety Link’s website offers public education resources in a variety of languages. It also has an online community for service providers to network and engage, promote resources, share grant and training opportunities, and discuss children and youth injury prevention issues.

This grant is part of a series of announcements taking place across the province.


“Unintentional injuries – such as those caused by motor vehicle crashes, falls and poisoning – are the leading cause of death and a leading cause of hospitalization among children in Canada. We are thankful that this funding from the Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage will increase caregivers’ access to safety equipment.”
— Sandra Newton, Manager, Child Safety Link

Quick Facts:

  • Child Safety Link received $500,000
  • IWK Health is dedicated to providing quality care to women, children, youth and families in the Maritime provinces and beyond
  • Safe Kids Week, June 3 to 9, is a national initiative dedicated to raising awareness about child injury prevention and inspiring caregivers to focus on proven and practical tips to keep kids safe; this year’s theme is consumer product safety

Additional Resources:

Child Safety Link:
Safe Kids Week:
Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage grants and programs:
Online grant finder tool:


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