Press Release
October 19, 2023
The Honourable Pam Parsons, Minister Responsible for Women and Gender Equality, today announced $303,407 in funding for 15 projects through the Provincial Government’s Indigenous Violence Prevention Grants Program.
The Indigenous Violence Prevention Grants Program supports Newfoundland and Labrador’s Indigenous Governments and Organizations in their efforts to prevent violence against Indigenous women and children and 2SLGBTQQIA+ individuals.
Projects receiving funding through the program include initiatives focused on:
Since 2005, approximately $3.9 million in project funding has been awarded to more than 170 culturally-appropriate, Indigenous-led violence prevention projects throughout the province.
“The Indigenous Violence Prevention Grants Program reaffirms our government’s commitment to preventing violence experienced by Indigenous women, children and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people. By collaborating with Indigenous women’s groups and organizations, we are working together to achieve our goal of a society where everyone lives free from the threat of violence and abuse.”
Honourable Pam Parsons
Minister Responsible for Women and Gender Equality
“There is tremendous value in encouraging and developing grassroots responses to the violence experienced by Indigenous women, children and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people that focus on education, advocacy and healing. Supporting Indigenous-led projects will help move us forward on violence prevention.”
Honourable Lisa Dempster
Minister Responsible for Indigenous Affairs and Reconciliation and Minister of Labrador Affairs
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Indigenous Violence Prevention Grants Program
Indigenous Violence Prevention Grant Award Recipients
Mushuau Innu: Women’s Shelter Project
Mushuau Innu Health Commission
This project will bolster existing programming and service delivery at the Natuashish Safe House. The goal is to empower women to identify the signs of violence and equip staff to support those fleeing violence. All programing will be Indigenous-led and centre on Innu culture and values.
Grant Awarded: $8,655
True Engagement to Address the Need for Prevention of Violence within Indigenous Families
Conne River Health and Social Services
This project will target violence prevention in the community in a number of ways, including but not limited to workshops for youth, programming for men, women’s groups, and the You Go Girl program for young girls aged 12-19.
Grant Awarded: $20,300
Elmastukwek Violence Prevention Initiative
Elmastukwek First Nation (Benoit’s Cove Indian Band Inc.)
This project supports community-based services, activities, and events that involve violence prevention, cultural revival and healing, including a 10-week program for male Indigenous youth that will educate participants on violence prevention and reconnect them with their culture.
Grant Awarded: $12,530
Ktaqmkuk Restorative Justice – Capacity Building 2023-2024
Flat Bay Band Inc.
Through cultural profiling, this project aims to reduce youth contact with the law through the implementation of a Restorative Justice Strategy.
Grant Awarded: $9,000
Blooming Youth of the Dawn: Violence Prevention Mentorship Program
Qalipu First Nation
This 11-week program will facilitate mentorships between youth and local Elders, building a solid foundation for violence prevention using traditional Mi’kmaq knowledge and coping skills including craft, art, and ceremony.
Grant Awarded: $21,500
Three Rivers Violence Prevention Program
Three Rivers Mi’kmaq Band Inc.
Focusing on wellness and community accountability, this project will address violence prevention at the community level through targeted programming for men and boys, violence prevention classes for youth, and community awareness campaigns.
Grant Awarded: $20,700
Growing Our Wellness
NunatuKavut Community Council
The NunatuKavut Community Council will work with communities throughout NunatuKavut to develop violence prevention and healing groups for all ages.
Grant Awarded: $27,800
Indigenous Violence Prevention Program
First Light St. John’s Friendship Centre
This project supports First Light’s Generations Program/Women’s Group, Elder’s Wisdom Circle, and Community Culture Circle. These programs create safe spaces for healing, cultural enrichment, and personal growth among participants.
Grant Awarded: $25,330
Labrador Cultural Connections: Retreats for Healing and Empowerment
Labrador Friendship Centre
In partnership with Mokami Status of Women Council, this project will organize cultural retreats in fall and winter 2023, for staff and residents of Mokami’s Supportive Living and Supportive Employment programs.
Grant Awarded: $29,000
Four Seasons – Four Gatherings
Empowering Indigenous Women for Stronger Communities
In partnership with the Mi’kmaq Cultural Foundation, this project will provide mentorships and cultural experiences for 40 Indigenous youth from across the province. A particular focus will be on youth between 15-30 who are facing barriers to employment, education, cultural/social connection, and who are connected to the justice system.
Grant Awarded: $15,000
Indigenous Cultural Awareness and Diversity Violence Prevention Program
Kikmanaq Indigenous Cultural Revival Association – Women’s Committee
Alongside community partners, this project will create an Indigenous Cultural Diversity Training Program for delivery throughout Central Newfoundland, both online and in person.
Grant Awarded: $23,000
Four Seasons – Four Gatherings
Mi’kmaq Cultural Foundation
In partnership with Empowering Indigenous Women for Stronger Communities, this program will provide mentorships and cultural experiences for 40 Indigenous youth from across the province. A particular focus will be on youth between 15-30 who are facing barriers to employment, education, cultural/social connection, and who are connected to the justice system.
Grant Awarded: $15,000
Rejuvenating Elders in our Communities
Newfoundland Aboriginal Women’s Network
This two-day gathering of Indigenous Elders/Seniors who self-identify as women will include presentations on violence prevention, self-care, and the transmission of cultural practices in a way that reduces violence.
Grant Awarded: $30,000
Connecting Cultural Circles
Newfoundland Indigenous Peoples Alliance, Inc.
This project involves a series of activities both on the land and in a retreat environment. Topics will include violence prevention and the 2SLGBTQQIA+ community, cultural teachings (such as drum making and beading), violence prevention and Indigenous teachings, and others.
Grant Awarded: $21,542
Film and Media Program for Violence Prevention and Cultural Wellness in Indigenous Communities
Ujarak Media
This project will develop and deliver a film and media program for violence prevention and cultural wellness in Indigenous communities. These activities will not only support violence prevention in community, but will increase awareness and understanding of the impact of violence, particularly through the engagement of men and boys in certain programming.
Grant Awarded: $24,050