FNHMA Prior Learning and Assessment Recognition (PLAR) submissions deadline: Friday, August 23rd, 2013



Information regarding the PLAR process:

If you are a health manager or director with 7 or more years of experience, you would be an ideal candidate for the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) path to certification with FNHMA (Become a member today!). The PLAR path recognizes and honours your past experience, professional development and education. This path requires the completion of a portfolio which will be reviewed by assessors who will look for evidence that you meet at least 80% of the FNHMA competencies. The very first step as a member is to complete the Competency Self-Assessment.  Based on your score, you will get a better sense of your assets, strengths and areas that may require some professional development in order to better meet the FNHMA Competencies.

To get you started, a few key pieces to have ready are:

  • Your CV
  • Your job description
  • Your education transcripts
  • Your certificates of professional development

You may also want to include other pieces of evidence to demonstrate how you meet the competencies but the ones mentioned above should help you get started! For more information on the PLAR process, please read our PLAR Portfolio Development Guide.

Submitting your PLAR Portfolio:

a)      Have your PLAR Portfolio demonstrate the equivalencies to the competency standards. This will include a listing of your assets and qualifications, e.g. university degrees and professional qualifications and matching academic courses and work experiences to the required competencies.

b)      Carefully choose two sponsors to provide reference letters as a requirement of your application for certification.

c)       Request a PLAR Portfolio Assessment by submitting the required documentation and remitting the required fee to FNHMA.

d)      Your notice of the PLAR Portfolio Assessment review will determine your next steps.

Once you have been approved by the FNHMA Board, you will be invited to our annual convocation at the FNHMA’s 3rd National Conference where you will officially receive your professional designation in front of your friends and colleagues at the Sheraton on the Falls in Niagara Falls, ON!

Get started now on your PLAR submission and be among those who walk the stage and receive the Certified First Nations Health Manager designation with pride!

Contact us:

If you have any questions please contact any of the FNHMA staff who are here to support you in your professional development at 613-599-6070 or info@fnhma.ca.

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