FNHA named as honouree for National Indigenous Good Governance Awards

Press Release

The FNHA is honoured to be a recipient of a National Indigenous Good Governance Award from Honouring Nations Canada (HNC) in the category of Community Governance/Programming.

Indigenous-led and Indigenous-informed, HNC is a new initiative of Fulbright Canada that has been established to recognize, celebrate and share stories of Indigenous achievement and promote and encourage opportunities for Indigenous people. HNC encourages and supports good governance in Indigenous communities, as well as the principles and practices of reconciliation, and provides opportunities for Indigenous students, scholars, and those working on matters that impact Indigenous communities.

“We are grateful to Honouring Nations Canada for this recognition,” said FNHA CEO Richard Jock. “The Community-Driven, Nation-Based principle is foundational to the 7 Directives that guide our work. This award reflects the ongoing efforts of more than 200 First Nations in BC, supported by FNHA regional teams and governance partners, the First Nations Health Council and First Nations Health Directors Association, to transform health programming for First Nations people in this province.”

Recognized alongside six other innovative Indigenous organizations like the Tsilhqto’in National Government and Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation, FNHA is lo​​oking forward to the upcoming knowledge-sharing session hosted in Ottawa on May 9, 2024 to further build partnerships and share information, skills and experience with the other organizations. ​

The National Indigenous Good Governance Award was inspired by Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government’s Honoring Nations which documents and disseminates stories of outstanding programs in self-governance that emerge daily from Native American Nations highlighting community-based government success.

For more information about the inaugural award program, including other honorees and recognition categories, visit the Honouring Nations Canada website.​


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