July 19, 2017
The First Nations Health Authority is pleased to announce the winners of its ‘Youth Respecting Tobacco’ Video Contest. Casey Sampson, Ida Williams and Wesley Edwards of Stz’uminus First Nation of Vancouver Island – all in grade 6 at Stz’uminus Community School – worked as a team to create the winning video. They have won a total of $1,000 for their video Stz’uminus Respect Tobacco PSA.
“I felt awesome when I found out that we won. It was fun making the video – taking the pictures was my favourite part,” said Casey Sampson. “I don’t think smoking is a good thing and that’s one of the reasons I wanted to make a video.”
The winning video provides clear messages about the negative impacts of smoking while also showcasing a variety of ways to respect tobacco. Stz’uminus Respect Tobacco PSA uses dark imagery, creative sound effects and powerful text to connect with their young peers about smoking prevention. Watch the winning video here.
“The Youth Respecting Tobacco video contest encourages youth to become active participants in the fight against commercial tobacco – empowering them to make healthy decisions that can transform their lives and positively influence their community and peers not just today, but for years to come,” says Dr. Evan Adams, FNHA Chief Medical Officer.
The video contest continues until August 31 when another winner will be announced. All the contest info is here: www.fnha.ca/youth. Click here to see all of the videos entered in the contest to date.
Youth Respecting Tobacco is part of the First Nations Health Authority’s mission to support the transformation of the health and wellness of BC First Nations. The FNHA believes every individual is a Champion of Wellness and a role model – through their circles of influence – to their family, friends and community.
Media contact: media@fnha.ca