September 22, 2009
The province is providing Manitobans with expertise from medical-health professionals on how to recognize flu symptoms and when to seek medical advice as a part of an awareness campaign for the second wave of pandemic H1N1 flu expected this fall and winter, Health Minister Theresa Oswald said today.“Sharing information about prevention and self-care is key to combating the spread of flu and helping Manitobans care for themselves and loved ones,” said Oswald. “Manitobans all have a part to play to reduce the spread and severity of this illness by being informed and following public-health advice. The guide is a helpful resource that we can stick to our fridges and refer to when needed.”
The short guide called Could it be the flu? is being mailed to Manitobans this week. It explains what symptoms to watch for when feeling ill along with the appropriate action to take, based on individuals’ symptoms. Guidelines for preparing a home flu kit are also provided.
The guide is part of Manitoba’s $47-million, five-point plan for H1N1 pandemic preparedness and response.
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