First Nations begin filing claims for Canada’s multibillion-dollar dirty water payout – Canada’s National Observer

March 24th 2022

For years, First Nations in Canada have been denied access to clean drinking water. Many Indigenous communities have to deal with brown, sludgy water and the destructive health impacts it brought. Some have spent years relying on boiled or bottled water. As of March 8, there were 23 short-term drinking water advisories in place across the country that range from boil water advisories to Do Not Consume notices. Now, the Canadian government will have to pay for it.

Earlier this month, individuals and First Nations impacted by dirty drinking water can file claims through the First Nations Drinking Water Settlement; a historic $8-billion settlement approved by Canadian courts in December. Triggered by class-action lawsuits filed by the Tataskweyak Cree Nation, Curve Lake First Nation, and Neskantaga First Nation, the settlement could provide compensation to more than 250 First Nations and roughly 142,000 individual Indigenous people. First Nations and individuals subject to a drinking water advisory that lasted at least one year between 1995 and 2021 are eligible to file claims online and receive compensation from the settlement fund.

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