Falling, household chores: The lesser-known ways you could get a concussion – CTV

Sept. 26, 2024

It’s National Concussion Awareness Week, and the Brain Injury Association of Nova Scotia is spreading the word.

“A lot of people who are suffering with concussions aren’t getting a lot of awareness or empathy from people around them. They’re not understanding the intricacies of their concussion recovery. They can’t see the symptoms like you can a broken arm or a bruise on your leg,” said Sam Clarke with the Brain Injury Association.

According to the association, 35,000 Nova Scotians suffer concussions annually.

“Often people aren’t aware they’re suffering a concussion because their symptoms they’re not aware of beyond just having a headache, and so we have people coming to us three, five, 10 years later saying, ‘I had no idea my anxiety or my balance problems are connected to my concussion that I suffered,'” said Clarke.

Read more: https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/more/2024/9/25/falling–household-chores–the-lesser-known-ways-you-could-get-a.html

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