Experts say it’s time for a renewed COVID vaccination strategy in Ontario – CTV

April 3, 2022

Ontario is entering a sixth wave of COVID-19 with few remaining public health measures and experts say now is the time for a renewed vaccination strategy aimed at boosting third-dose uptake, shots for kids and preparing for wider fourth doses.

When first and second doses became available, Ontario — and Canada at large — was the envy of the world in how quickly the population got vaccinated, said Dr. Fahad Razak, an internist and member of the province’s science advisory table.

But while 91 per cent of Ontarians 12 and older have received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, only about 60 per cent have received three.

“A lot of the energy and the innovation that went into getting the first and second doses in, we haven’t been able to replicate that magic to the same extent for the third dose,” Razak said.

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