Dogs Given Necessary Veterinary Attention in First Nations Community of Chisasibi

74 dogs sterilized in latest Chiots Nordiques mobile spay-neuter clinic

MONTREAL – A mass sterilization clinic for stray and roaming dogs took place last week in the Cree community of Chisasibi (Quebec). Humane Society International/Canada and Chiots Nordiques, a volunteer-based organization dedicated to the humane management of stray and roaming dogs, partnered for the 6th time to bring essential veterinary services to remote communities.

Ewa Demianowicz, campaign manager for HSI/Canada, said: “These clinics have a huge impact on the welfare of the dogs and make such a difference for these communities by preventing the suffering of the animals and reducing the canine overpopulation. We are proud to partner with Chiots Nordiques, a great organization doing amazing work. The dogs we encounter in these communities are friendly and gentle, and sterilization is the best way to ensure they’re given a fighting chance in an already difficult situation.”

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Éric Coïa, President of Chiots Nordiques, added: “We are very happy to be working with HSI/Canada, who helped make this 12th clinic possible. We could not do this without the help of our dedicated volunteers and the extraordinary support of HSI/Canada. These clinics involve complicated logistics due to their remote location, including four days of transport for two clinic days, but once again it was a resounding success.”

Mass sterilization is an efficient and humane method to control the dog overpopulation crisis these communities face but do not have the resources to address. These clinics not only help animals in need, they also contribute to these communities by reducing the incidence of dog bite injuries and zoonotic diseases. Lack of veterinary services can often lead to animal welfare issues such as untreated wounds or illnesses.

Over four days, the two organizations admitted 93 animals, vaccinated 85, and sterilized 74 dogs (as well as some cats). Last year, Chiots Nordiques and HSI/Canada paired up to visit two remote communities that struggles with canine overpopulation – Manawan and Kitcisakik, both located in Quebec and examined over 250 animals.

Since Chiots Nordiques and HSI/Canada began holding the clinics in 2013, they have sterilized more than 500 animals.


Media Contact: Christopher Paré – office: 514 395-2914 / cell: 438 402-0643, email:


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