Details of new health facility at old Grace Hospital site need to be worked out, government says – CBC

Opposition MHAs say they’ll believe it when they see it

Jun 17, 2024

The Newfoundland and Labrador government says a new health-care facility — to be built at the site of the former Grace Hospital in St. John’s — will fill important health-care gaps, but the critics say the province is better at announcing plans than delivering results.

Health Minister Tom Osborne and Infrastructure Minister John Abbott announced Friday morning that the site — cleared in February — will become the Downtown Health and Well-being Centre.

Abbott has high expectations for the facility, which is set to offer various services, many of which will target the downtown area’s most vulnerable populations.

“It’s going to be a monumental facility, one that is overdue for the downtown and for the city at large,” Abbott said.

The centre will provide urgent care and primary care, mental health and addictions services, and psychiatry/psychosis intervention, among other services, for downtown residents.

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