Despite proposed lawsuit alleging painful side effects, demand for Ozempic not slowing, pharmacists say – CTV

Nov. 9, 2023

Whether for weight loss or diabetes management, Canadian pharmacists say demand for Ozempic prescriptions does not appear to be slowing, despite a proposed lawsuit over alleged side effects.

The lawsuit, filed with the Supreme Court of British Columbia in October, claims the makers of Ozempic—a drug created to manage Type 2 diabetes, but which has gained massive popularity as a weight loss tool—failed to adequately describe the potential side effects. Those side effects, the document states, include intense vomiting, painful gallstones and masses of food slowly forming a painful obstruction in the stomach as the result of a condition called gastroparesis.

The proposed class-action lawsuit has not yet been authorized by a judge, and its claims haven’t been tested in court.

Regardless of the concerns raised by the lawsuit, pharmacists representing national and provincial associations say demand for the drug is as high as ever – high enough to fuel ongoing supply issues.

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