Department of Health announces Departure of Dr. Curry

Press Release

December 18, 2024

The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Department of Health (DOH) is informing the community on the departure of Dr. Tom Curry. Through some creativity and collaboration, Dr. Curry and the DOH rolled out a triage initiative which featured a weekly virtual care clinic.

Dr. Curry provided a vital role in spearheading a virtual pilot project within the Department of Health. He provided a weekly virtual rapid appointment clinic through the Kawehno:ke Medical Clinic in which clients would meet with Dr. Curry either through video or teleconference call. Dr. Curry worked closely with his designated nurse, Asia Arquette, to see this project succeed and grow. Through their working and collaborative relationship, the DOH was provided with unique insight and is able to look into more options for telehealth and virtual care services for the community of Akwesasne.

We would like to give Dr. Curry a big nia:wen/thank you for his time and service to the community. We wish him well in all his future endeavours.


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