Press Release
(November 9, 2023 – Rankin Inlet, Nunavut) Nunavut Tunngavik Foundation (NTF) is pleased to announce a second callout for applications for the Cultural and Healing Program
Inuit can apply for project funding for programs that address the harms and intergenerational effects of residential schools; traditional on-the-land programs; and for the teaching of Inuit history, culture, languages, and traditions.
Individuals and groups of Inuit enrolled under the Nunavut Agreement, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, urban and friendship centers, and early childhood centers are eligible to apply for up to a maximum of $25,000 towards any of the above-listed programs. Nunavut residency is not a requirement; however, approved projects must target a minimum of 75% Inuit Enrolled under the Nunavut Agreement.
The application period is open from November 9 to November 30th, 2023.
More information, policies, and application forms are available at Culture and Healing Program
For further information contact:
Michelle Kaludjak
Program Officer
Nunavut Tunngavik Foundation
Tel: (867) 645-5400/Toll-free: 1-888-236-5400