November 15, 2023
THUNDER BAY — Garden River’s Dave Jones and Daniel Jones and the Turtle Concepts team shared their own personal journeys during the Expanding Your Understanding LGBTQ2S+ Workshop on Oct. 27 in Thunder Bay. The Nishnawbe Aski Nation Women’s Initiatives department hosted the workshop for Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) parents and community members at the Best Western Plus NorWester Hotel and Conference Centre.
“We’re sharing our own personal journeys and trying to help [the participants] get the confidence and realize the safety needed to have this conversation at home in their community,” says Jones, founder of Turtle Concepts. “Is it time? We definitely feel it’s time because the internet has exploded with influence on young people and our young people are searching for safety, searching for safe places, searching for guidance, and we’re trying to suggest very strongly that new ways aren’t bad ways. But is the bold approach the best way? Or is there a kind approach that we can come in so we get all the generations to stay connected, to stay loving, to stay awesome.”
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