CPhA – Resource Round-up: 2SLGBTQI+ patient health

Press Release

Pharmacists have a responsibility to provide 2SLGBTQI+ patients with accessible, gender-affirming and inclusive care in our communities. Here’s a round-up of some helpful resources to help you provide 2SLGBTQI+ inclusive care and create a safe pharmacy space.

Pharmacy resources

  • Practising with PRIDE: Top 10 actionable strategies to improve 2SLGBTQI+ health in pharmacy — In this video, Dalhousie University pharmacy professor Kyle Wilby and pharmacy student Samuel Villemure discuss their cutting-edge research program, translating it into practical strategies that can be utilized by all pharmacy professionals to improve care for 2SLGBTQI+ people in pharmacy practice.

Safe space pharmacy poster

Quick reference tool

Guide to 2SLGBTQI+ friendly language

  • Providing Inclusive Care and Services for the Transgender and Gender Diverse Community — A resource guide for pharmacists and pharmacy staff on how to be inclusive to transgender, non-binary and gender-diverse patients. (HRC Foundation/APhA)
  • Providing LGBTQ+ Inclusive Care at Your Pharmacy — An accredited online course for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who want to broaden their knowledge in the area of 2SLGBTQI+ patient care. (OPA)
  • 5 Tips to Deliver LGBTQ+ Centered Care — A pocket guide for pharmacists. (Al-amin Ahamed, PharmaPride)

Resources for health-care providers

  • Rainbow Health Ontario — Health resource Library and training courses for healthcare providers to increase their clinical and cultural competency in caring for their 2SLGBTQI+ patients. (Rainbow Health Ontario)
  • Gender Basics & Education — Support tools, online courses and other helpful links for learning about gender diversity and creating gender-affirming environments. (Trans Care BC)
  • Guidelines for gender-affirming primary care with trans and non-binary patients — Guidelines, quick reference guide for primary care providers and online interactive tool based on the Guidelines. (Sherbourne Health)
  • Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People — These guidelines to help equip primary care providers and health systems with the tools and knowledge to meet the health care needs of their transgender and gender nonconforming patients. (UCSF)
  • Wabanaki Two Spirit Alliance — Two Sprit and 2SLGBTQI+ Indigenous information and resources. (W2SA)
  • LGBTQ2S Inclusion Playbook — A series of best practices for healthcare environments. (the 519)
  • World Professional Association for Transgender Health — International standards of care guidelines. (WPATH)
  • Sex[M]ed — Sexual health education platform for healthcare practitioners.

Pharmacist Q&As

We caught up with a few Canadian pharmacists to talk about how pharmacy professionals can provide and advocate for more inclusive care for the 2SLGBTQI+ community.

Alex Hosein (they/them)
Kjipuktuk, Mi’kma’ki (Halifax, NS)

Meet Alex

Tristan Lai (he/him)
Vancouver, BC

Meet Tristan

Greg Richard (he/him)
Halifax, NS

Meet Greg

Roger Tam (he/him)
Winnipeg, MB

Meet Roger

Alex Tang (he/him)
Vancouver, BC

Meet Alex

Kyle Wilby (he/him)
Halifax, NS

Meet Kyle

Rheya White (they/her)
St. John’s, NL

Meet Rheya
Our Resource Round-up series gathers available resources and practice tools on important health topics to help you in your practice. This is not an exhaustive list of available resources on 2SLGBTQI+ patient health. Something missing? If you have information, tools or resources you think we should include, please let us know at practicedevelopment@pharmacists.ca.


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