COVID cases force closures of area First Nations schools – Peterborough Examiner

April 16, 2021

At least one active case of COVID-19 is what prompted Curve Lake First Nation education department to close both schools until deemed safe to re-open.

The announcement on April 13 came on the heels of the final clinic where second doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine were administered on April 10. The First Nation said it will have another vaccine clinic in the future for those who did not get their shot during the first round of vaccinations.  The community has not said how many cases of COVID-19 were reported, only reporting it is less than five.

The Curve Lake First Nation education department issued a statement the same day, indicating all students who attend in-person learning will now be switched to online for the foreseeable future.  Initially the school opted to remain open despite the province-wide school shut down that was announced earlier this week. This is the third time there has been cases of COVID-19 in the community.

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