COVID-19: What you need to know for April 8 – TVO

Apr 08, 2021

The latest coronavirus updates from across the province

  • Per today’s government report, there are 3,295 new cases in Ontario, for a total of total of 374,112 since the pandemic began; 1,417 people are in hospital, 525 of them in intensive care, and 331 on ventilators. To date, 7,494 people have died.
  • According to data from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, there are 49 outbreaks in long-term-care facilities, 10 confirmed active cases of positive residents, and 119 confirmed active cases of positive staff. To date, there have been 3,755 confirmed resident deaths and 11 confirmed staff deaths.
  • As of 2PM yesterday, Ontario’s publicly-funded schools were reporting 245 new school-related student cases (for a total of 10,909) 56 new staff cases (for a total of 2,410) and new unspecified cases for a total of 1,159; 1,294 schools are reporting at least one case and 62 schools have been closed.

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