COVID-19 rules relax for many Islanders in long-term care – CBC

Residents in some long-term and nursing care homes on P.E.I. can go out, receive more visitors

Apr 20, 2022

The province has eased restrictions for Islanders in long-term care and nursing care on Prince Edward Island.

The province made the changes last Thursday, just in time for the Easter long weekend.

“It’s another step towards opening things up more like they used to be a couple years ago,” said Jason Lee, the CEO of P.E.I. Seniors Homes, including Whisperwood Villa in Charlottetown.

“It’s been a long two years.”

Depending on the facility and whether it is experiencing an outbreak of COVID-19, residents can now have unlimited visitors as well as their three partners in care.

“That makes me feel good, more visitors,” said Michael Sullivan, a resident in long-term care at The Mount Continuing Care in Charlottetown. “Family-wise and grandchildren, that makes me feel good.”

The province’s guidance allows residents to go to public settings such as shopping, to a restaurant or the hairdresser, or to a family member’s home for a meal.

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