3 cases identified at Met Campus, WRH says
Oct 10, 2023
A COVID-19 outbreak has been reported at Windsor Regional Hospital’s 4North unit at the Met Campus.
Three patients have tested positive for COVID-19 in the unit, the hospital said in a media release Tuesday.
The hospital says outbreak measures are in effect and will be rescinded on Oct. 17, if no other COVID-19 cases are identified.
“This outbreak serves as a reminder that COVID-19 continues to circulate in our community,” the hospital said in the press release.
Windsor Regional Hospital announced last Tuesday that a mandatory masking policy for staff and volunteers would be reinstated on Oct. 10. Staff and volunteers must wear masks if they’re within two metres of a patient or no physical barriers are present.
The hospital encourages community members to wear masks when not feeling well and to check if you’re due for vaccinations.
Read more: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/windsor-covid-hospital-outbreak-1.6991744