COVID-19 kills 2 more in N.B., flu sends child under 4 and 2 youths to hospital – CBC

COVID activity remains moderate, influenza activity has decreased, latest Respiratory Watch report says

Apr 23, 2024

COVID-19 has killed two more New Brunswickers, while a child under four and two youths aged five to 19 are among those hospitalized by the flu, Tuesday’s Respiratory Watch report shows.

“COVID-19 activity remains moderate; some indicators (number of cases, percent positivity, and number of deaths) remained stable during the current reporting period,” April 7 to April 13, the report says.

Influenza activity decreased slightly, it says.

The two people who died from COVID during the reporting week were both aged 65 or older.

Their deaths raise the provincial pandemic total to at least 1,030. The actual number is unclear because the Department of Health counts only people who die in hospital as COVID deaths.

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